Looking back on Friday 9th September !

Com­pe­ti­tion :

Direc­tor John Pat­ton Ford came to Deauville to present the film Emi­ly the Criminal.

Pre­miere :

Direc­tor Claire Denis, came to present her new film Stars At Noon in the Croisette Hour category.

The actress Ana de Armas received Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 9 the Hol­ly­wood Ris­ing Star Award in Deauville! The evening con­tin­ued with the screen­ing of Andrew Dominik’s film Blonde in the audi­to­ri­um of the C.I.D.

The film X by Ti West was also shown at the Festival.

Fes­ti­val-goers were able to meet Philippe Labro on Fri­day on the theme “My Amer­i­can film fes­ti­vals” at the Franciscaines.

Among the guests on the red car­pet were the influ­encers: Younes Dark­aoui, Louise Aubery, Ali­son Toby, Crazy Sal­ly, Rayan­lvtt, Riadh, Fares Sal­va­tor, Fred­eri­co Stauf­fer. Also present were: Brit Shaw, the actress from the film in com­pe­ti­tion Peace In The Val­ley, Rachel Stander and Vivian Kerr from the film Scrap, Ema­jean Bul­lock & Anas­ta­sia Lee from the film Over/Under, actress Anne Par­il­laud, direc­tor Olivi­er Nakache as well as Alex Beau­pain and Anne Berest.

The mem­bers of the Jury : Pierre Deladon­champs, Arnaud Desplechin, Yas­mi­na Khadra, Jean Paul Civeyrac, as well as Andréa Bescond and Elodie Bouchez of the Rev­e­la­tion Jury also walked the red carpet.

© Jacques Basile

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