The festival

Discover the history of the Deauville American Film Festival


50th edition 108 Films
8 Categories
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Affiche 50e edition

The festival

The Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val was cre­at­ed in 1975 by Lionel Chouchan and André Hal­i­mi under the impe­tus of Michel d’Or­nano, then May­or of Deauville, and Lucien Bar­rière, then Chair­man of the epony­mous group. The City of Deauville del­e­gates the co-orga­ni­za­tion of the Fes­ti­val to ‘le Pub­lic Sys­tème Ciné­ma’ and to the C.I.D. LPSC pro­vides artis­tic direc­tion and the C.I.D brings its skills in event organization.

The Fes­ti­val high­lights the diver­si­ty of Amer­i­can cin­e­ma, from major Hol­ly­wood pro­duc­tions to inde­pen­dent films. It is the only Euro­pean fes­ti­val of this scale to open its doors to the pub­lic. Each year, more than one hun­dred screen­ings are pre­sent­ed on three sites: the Cen­ter Inter­na­tion­al de Deauville, the Ciné­ma du Casi­no Bar­rière and the Ciné­ma le Morny.

The Fes­ti­val has revealed works of art which have marked cin­e­ma his­to­ry: James Gray’s Lit­tle Odessa, Dar­ren Aronof­sky’s Pi, Tom DiCil­lo’s Liv­ing in Obliv­ion, Spike Jonze’s Being John Malkovitch, Christo­pher Nolan’s Memen­to, Todd Solondz’s Wel­come to the Doll­house, Paul Hag­gis’s Crash, John Cameron Mitchell’s Hed­wig and the Angry Inch, Valerie Faris and Jonathan Day­ton’s Lit­tle Miss Sun­shine, Jeff Nichols’s Take Shel­ter, Damien Chazelle’s Whiplash, Matt Ross’s Cap­tain Fan­tas­tic, Ben Zeitlin’s Beasts of the South­ern Wild, David Low­ery’s A Ghost Story….the Fes­ti­val is praised each year for the qual­i­ty and high stan­dard of its programming.

The Prizes

Five Prizes are award­ed dur­ing the Award Cer­e­mo­ny of the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Festival:

The Grand Prize & The Jury Prize;
The Louis Roed­er­er Foun­da­tion Rev­e­la­tion Prize;
The Crit­ics’ Prize, Award­ed by film crit­ics and journalists
The City of Deauville Audi­ence Award, As a trib­ute to the audience’s long-stand­ing attach­ment to the Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val, the City of Deauville has decid­ed to launch this Prize in 2013. The audi­ences, who have the chance to make their feel­ings felt through the City of Deauville Audi­ence Award. This allows every fes­ti­val-goer to share their favorites and to offer a direc­tor an addi­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ty for recognition.

The sections

Sev­er­al sec­tions bear wit­ness to the unequaled vital­i­ty and diver­si­ty of Amer­i­can cin­e­matog­ra­phy. The Com­pe­ti­tion is exclu­sive­ly reserved for inde­pen­dent films. Trib­utes to myth­i­cal per­son­al­i­ties in their pres­ence. The New Hol­ly­wood, which hon­ors the future by invit­ing come­di­ans, the flag­ship of the cin­e­ma of tomor­row. Uncle Sam’s Docs to immerse your­self in the real­i­ty of Amer­i­can society …

Deauville wants to be, through the eyes of the film­mak­ers, a snap­shot which, each year, tells a new his­to­ry of America.



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