
1976 • 2nd edition

From 31st August to 5th Sep­tem­ber 1976. 
The Fes­ti­val cel­e­brat­ed the bicen­te­nary of The Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion. It decid­ed to launch a new lit­er­ary prize, The Lucien Bar­rière Prize for Lit­er­a­ture, award­ed every year dur­ing The Deauville Film Fes­ti­val to an Amer­i­can author. The first auc­tion of film posters was also staged. This became one of the Festival’s tra­di­tions over sub­se­quent years.

Affiche de la 2e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville


  • Marlene Jobert , Jean Roppe et Jacques Duby ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
    Marlene Jobert , Jean Roppe et Jacques Duby ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
  • Marlene Jobert et Pierre Delanoe ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
    Marlene Jobert et Pierre Delanoe ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
  • Buffalo Bill et les Indiens , ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
    Buffalo Bill et les Indiens , ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
  • Alain Delon et M. Mme Coquatrix ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
    Alain Delon et M. Mme Coquatrix ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
  • Alain Delon ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
    Alain Delon ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
Previous edition 1975 • 1st edition
Next edition 1977 • 3rd edition