
1975 • 1st edition

From 2nd to 7th Sep­tem­ber 1975. 
The Deauville Fes­ti­val of Amer­i­can Cin­e­ma was born, thanks specif­i­cal­ly to the deter­mi­na­tion of the May­or, Michel d’Ornano, for estab­lish­ing the event in Deauville, and to the sup­port lent by Lucien Bar­rière and his group in pro­vid­ing a lux­u­ri­ous set­ting for the new fes­ti­val. It imme­di­ate­ly con­quered the hearts of the pub­lic at large even if the Amer­i­can stars were to wait a few years before gath­er­ing there every year at the end of the Sum­mer. In the words of Lionel Chouchan and André Hal­i­mi, the orga­niz­ers and direc­tors of the new fes­ti­val, its goal was to «show films that only a few priv­i­leged – amazed or aston­ished – peo­ple had dis­cov­ered, in New York or Los Ange­les, to French audi­ences, with­out exclu­sion, bar­ri­ers or bias».

Affiche de la 1e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville


André Halimi et Lionel Chouchan ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
André Halimi et Lionel Chouchan ©A.F.P Telephono-J.P.P (Collection Yves Aublet)
Next edition 1976 • 2nd edition