
All the news of the festival
Discover the d’Ornano-Valenti Prize !

Discover the d’Ornano-Valenti Prize !

Cre­at­ed in 1991 by the mem­ber com­pa­nies of the Motion Pic­ture Asso­ci­a­tion (MPA), an asso­ci­a­tion of six Amer­i­can film…

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Tribute to Frederick Wiseman

Tribute to Frederick Wiseman

Fred­er­ick Wise­man © Wolf­gang Wesener Images often speak loud­er than words. From this affir­ma­tion, Fred­er­ick Wise­man made it his…

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The Revelation Jury

The Revelation Jury

Alice Belaï­di – Pres­i­dent (actress) Emma Ben­es­tan (direc­tor & screenwriter) Sal­im Kechiouche (actor, direc­tor & screenwriter) Iris Kaltenbäck (direc­tor & screenwriter) Karid­ja…

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Discover the president of the jury!

Discover the president of the jury!

Benoît Mag­imel © Arno Lam / Charlette Studio There are lead­ing roles that are not for­got­ten. But few of them…

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50 American films that changed the way we look at the world

50 American films that changed the way we look at the world

The pow­er of cin­e­ma lies in the force of images. If one of them is enough to sum up a film,…

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Michael Douglas, guest of honor of the Deauville American Film Festival’ 50th edition!

Michael Douglas, guest of honor of the Deauville American Film Festival’ 50th edition!

Michael Dou­glas © Michael Avedon “Every­one says that the Deauville Fes­ti­val is spe­cial, but few peo­ple can affirm like…

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Discover the poster for the 50th edition of the Deauville American Film Festival!

Discover the poster for the 50th edition of the Deauville American Film Festival!

At the cross­roads of per­spec­tives, 50 years of Amer­i­can cinema When the lights come back on, the images per­sist.

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Film submissions

Film submissions

Submission & regulations Please sub­mit your film by send­ing a link to Jérôme Lasserre at, togeth­er with the com­plet­ed…

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Bruno Barde Direc­tor of the Festival Since the 18th cen­tu­ry, the idea…

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I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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