
All the news of the festival
Emilia Clarke will receive a Hollywood Rising-Star Award

Emilia Clarke will receive a Hollywood Rising-Star Award

The Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val will hon­or actress Emil­ia Clarke this year by award­ing her the Hol­ly­wood Ris­ing-Star Award, in…

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The fes­ti­val sup­ports the actors’ ral­ly­ing to the screen­writ­ers’ strike, although it suf­fers the con­se­quences. Peter Din­klage and Natal­ie Port­man…

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The Prix d’Ornano-Valenti

The Prix d’Ornano-Valenti

The Prix d’Ornano-Valenti, grant­ed by a jury of Anglo-Sax­on jour­nal­ists presided by Jean-Guil­laume d’Ornano, will be offi­cial­ly giv­en to…

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Lucien-Barrière Literary Award

Lucien-Barrière Literary Award

Lucien-Bar­rière Lit­er­ary Award A jury com­posed of jour­nal­ists and writ­ers François Armanet, Ari­ane Bois, Tiffany Gas­souk, Colombe Sch­neck and Éric Neuhoff…

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The Croisette Hour

The Croisette Hour

The Croisette Hour The Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val fos­ters a silent and secret dia­logue that flows between film­mak­ers from the Cannes Film…

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Window on French Cinema

Window on French Cinema

Win­dow on French Cinema The Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val fos­ters a silent and secret dia­logue that flows between film­mak­ers from France and…

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The Jury

The Jury

The Jury Guil­laume Canet — Pres­i­dent (Actor, Direc­tor, Screen­writer & Producer) Anne Berest (Nov­el­ist, Screen­writer & Actress)…

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Revelation Jury

Revelation Jury

Rev­e­la­tion Jury Mélanie Thier­ry — Pres­i­dent (Actress) Félix Lefeb­vre (Actor) Pablo Pauly (Actor)…

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The Competition Films

The Competition Films

The Com­pe­ti­tion Films Time for Cinema When adults motor­ize children’s toys, think­ing they’re going faster with­out think­ing faster, they don’t improve…

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Jerry Schatzberg

Jerry Schatzberg

Jer­ry Schatzberg Tribute An essen­tial filmmaker Noth­ing made him seem des­tined to become a pho­tog­ra­ph­er, much less a film­mak­er. Yet it’s through…

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