Images of Wednesday, September 11

The direc­tor of NOËL AT MILLIER’S POINT, Tyler Taormi­na, was on hand after the screen­ing for a Q&A.

Direc­tors Lola Bessis and Ruben Amar and actress Grace Van Dien were on hand to make SILVER STAR shine!

This year’s win­ner of the Prix Lit­té­taire Lucien-Bar­rière is writer Nathan Hill for his nov­el “Bien-être”.

Actress Daisy Rid­ley received the Nou­v­el Hol­ly­wood award to cel­e­brate her career!

Oscar-win­ning direc­tor Michel Haz­anavi­cius pre­mieres THE MOST PRECIOUS OF GOODS at Deauville 2024 in the pres­ence of pro­duc­er Patrick Sobelman.

Pho­to cred­it : ©Jacques Basile

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