
2006 • 32nd edition

From 1st to 10th Sep­tem­ber 2006.
On the Festival’s sug­ges­tion, Carti­er – which became an essen­tial part­ner of the Fes­ti­val – cre­at­ed a Rev­e­la­tion Prize, with the con­sti­tu­tion of a sep­a­rate, pres­ti­gious Jury. On the pro­gram, there was also a ret­ro­spec­tive, “The President’s Films”, ded­i­cat­ed to the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States and to the office’s numer­ous cin­e­mato­graph­ic rep­re­sen­ta­tions, so inti­mate­ly linked to the country’s his­to­ry, a trib­ute to the Sun­dance Insti­tute, on the occa­sion of its 25th Anniver­sary, and a spe­cial “Uncle Sam’s Docs” sched­ule ded­i­cat­ed to the Simon Wiesen­thal Cen­tre and to its cin­e­ma depart­ment, Mori­ah Films. The Mas­ter­class was giv­en by direc­tor Dar­ren Aronof­sky. In the wings of the Fes­ti­val, the state of Louisiana was the guest of hon­our of the C.I.D, which con­ferred new scale on the US Vil­lage estab­lished on its Ter­races, fac­ing the sea, with var­i­ous con­certs, events, exhi­bi­tions and encounters.

Affiche de la 32e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

The Jury

Nicole Gar­cia (Pres­i­dent), Mau­rice Barthélémy, Ami­ra Casar, Emmanuelle Cas­tro, Guil­laume Canet, Julien Clerc, Antoine de Caunes, Philippe Djian, Marthe Keller

Revelation Jury

Christophe Hon­oré (Prési­dent), Lou Doil­lon, Audrey Mar­nay, Olivi­er Py, Émi­lie Simon, Gilles Taurand


Grand Prize : LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE Jonathan Day­ton & Valerie Faris
Jury’s Prize : HALF NELSON Ryan Fleck
The most promis­ing news­com­er prize : HALF NELSON Ryan Fleck
Crit­ics Award : SHERRY BABY Lau­rie Collyer
Sce­nar­i­o’s Prize : SHERRY BABY Lau­rie Collyer


  • Meryl Streep , ©Guy Isacc
    Meryl Streep , ©Guy Isacc
  • Anne Hathaway , ©Guy Isacc
    Anne Hathaway , ©Guy Isacc
  • Julien Clerc , ©Guy Isacc
    Julien Clerc , ©Guy Isacc
  • Stéphane Bern , ©Guy Isacc
    Stéphane Bern , ©Guy Isacc
  • Le jury: Nicole Garcia (President), Maurice Barthélémy, Amira Casar, Emmanuelle Castro, 
Guillaume Canet, Julien Clerc, Antoine de Caunes, Philippe Djian, Marthe Keller , ©Guy Isacc
    Le jury: Nicole Garcia (President), Maurice Barthélémy, Amira Casar, Emmanuelle Castro, Guillaume Canet, Julien Clerc, Antoine de Caunes, Philippe Djian, Marthe Keller , ©Guy Isacc
  • Vin Diesel , ©Dominique Saint
    Vin Diesel , ©Dominique Saint
Previous edition 2005 • 31st edition
Next edition 2007 • 33rd edition