
2007 • 33rd edition

From 31st August to 9th Sep­tem­ber 2007.
The cream of Hol­ly­wood arranged to meet up this year in Deauville: Angeli­na Jolie, Eva Mendes, Michelle Mon­aghan, Gena Row­lands, Til­da Swin­ton, the year’s recip­i­ent of trib­ute Sigour­ney Weaver, Ben and Casey Affleck, Judd Apa­tow, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Bri­an De Pal­ma, Michael Dou­glas and Sid­ney Lumet – to both of whom the Fes­ti­val was pay­ing trib­ute for the sec­ond time - Peter and Bob­by Far­rel­ly, Paul Hag­gis, Brad Pitt…! With a first trib­ute to the actress Ida Lupino, the Fes­ti­val decid­ed to hon­our Amer­i­can cinema’s her­itage by pay­ing trib­ute to those who had con­tributed to its pres­tige. It also offered fes­ti­val­go­ers a chance to con­tin­ue wide-awake dream­ing: night and day, with the sup­port of the French Ciné­math­èque, it screened films from Amer­i­can her­itage dur­ing the “Amer­i­can Nights”. To date, Deauville is the only fes­ti­val in the world to offer such a pro­gram of con­tin­u­ous round-the-clock screenings!

Affiche de la 33e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville

The Jury

André Téch­iné (Pres­i­dent), Odile Bars­ki, Xavier Beau­vois, Nico­las Caza­lé, Char­lÉlie Cou­ture, Émi­lie Deleuze, Anouk Grin­berg, Marie-France Pisi­er, Yas­mi­na Reza

Revelation Jury

Gaël Morel (Pres­i­dent), Clotilde Hesme, Olivia Mag­nani, Mélanie Thier­ry, Flo­ri­an Zeller

Le Palmarès

Grand Prize : THE DEAD GIRL Karen Moncrieff
Jury’s Prize : NEVER FOREVER Gina Kim
The most promis­ing new­com­er prize : ROCKET SCIENCE Jef­frey Blitz
Crit­ics Award : GRACE IS GONE James C. Strouse


  • George Clooney , ©Guy Isacc
    George Clooney , ©Guy Isacc
  • Brad Pitt , ©Guy Isacc
    Brad Pitt , ©Guy Isacc
  • Matt Damon , ©Guy Isacc
    Matt Damon , ©Guy Isacc
  • Monica Bellucci , ©Guy Isacc
    Monica Bellucci , ©Guy Isacc
  • Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie , ©Guy Isacc
    Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie , ©Guy Isacc
  • Stéphane Bern , ©Guy Isacc
    Stéphane Bern , ©Guy Isacc
  • Eva Mendes , ©Guy Isacc
    Eva Mendes , ©Guy Isacc
  • Le jury: André Téchiné (President), Odile Barski, Xavier Beauvois, Nicolas Cazalé, 
CharlÉlie Couture, Émilie Deleuze, Anouk Grinberg, Marie-France Pisier, Yasmina Reza , ©Guy Isacc
    Le jury: André Téchiné (President), Odile Barski, Xavier Beauvois, Nicolas Cazalé, CharlÉlie Couture, Émilie Deleuze, Anouk Grinberg, Marie-France Pisier, Yasmina Reza , ©Guy Isacc
Previous edition 2006 • 32nd edition
Next edition 2008 • 34th edition