2016 • 42nd edition
From 2nd to 11th September 2016.
Featuring on the 2016 edition poster, Charlie Chaplin took the arm of Paulette Goddard. Racism, slavery, class struggles, arms trafficking… the spirit of independence that characterized the films this year took off. America as a symbol of hope was seen through notable works such as Matt Ross’s Captain Fantastic or Ira Sach’s Brooklyn Village… Michael Moore, James Franco and Stanley Tucci met with a public who were impressed by their talent and humility. Two young artists won the New Hollywood Prize: Chloe Grace Morez and Daniel Radcliffe.

Frédéric Mitterrand (President), Françoise Arnoul, Éric Elmosnino, Ana Girardot, Douglas Kennedy, Radu Mihaileanu, Emmanuel Mouret, Marjane Satrapi
Revelation Jury
Audrey Pulvar (President), Cédric Anger, Jérôme Bonnell, Kheiron, Diane Rouxel, Christa Théret
Grand Prix : BROOKLYN VILLAGE (Little Men) Ira Sachs
Prix du jury (ex-aequo) : CAPTAIN FANTASTIC Matt Ross & LE TECKEL (Wiener-Dog) Todd Solondz
Prix Kiehl’s de la Révélation : LE TECKEL (Wiener-Dog) Todd Solondz
Prix de la critique : THE FITS Anna Rose Holmer
Prix du public de la Ville de Deauville : CAPTAIN FANTASTIC Matt Ross