
1986 • 12th edition

From 6th to 14th Sep­tem­ber 1986.
Accord­ing to French Min­is­ter of Cul­ture Philippe Léo­tard, present in Deauville, the Fes­ti­val was «a suc­cess, an inevitable dia­logue between our cul­tures». The pro­gram was par­tic­u­lar­ly abun­dant and eclec­tic, both in the trib­utes paid (Tony Cur­tis, James Coburn, Paul Mazursky, June Allyson, Jean Neg­ule­sco, Richard Brooks, and Alan Rudolph) and in the films pre­mier­ing (Steven Spiel­berg’s The Colour Pur­ple, Tony Scott’s Top Gun and James Cameron’s Aliens). The Michel Audi­ard Prize was award­ed to Gérard Kraw­czyk’s French Film Je hais les acteurs.

Affiche de la 12e édition du Festival du Cinéma Américain de Deauville


  • Sigourney Weaver , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Sigourney Weaver , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
  • Tony Curtis , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
    Tony Curtis , ©Mario Gurrieri , DR
Previous edition 1985 • 11th edition
Next edition 1987 • 13th edition