
The fes­ti­val sup­ports the actors’ ral­ly­ing to the screen­writ­ers’ strike, although it suf­fers the con­se­quences. Peter Din­klage and Natal­ie Port­man can­celed their atten­dance, as did Jude Law and Joseph Gor­don-Levitt who should have come to receive a trib­ute. How­ev­er, despite these with­drawals, we main­tain the pro­gram­ming and the cer­e­monies in their honor.

It is in this con­text of resis­tance that we wrote the sto­ry of this edi­tion, where inde­pen­dent cin­e­ma pre­pares for the future in a rapid­ly chang­ing industry.

The essen­tial remains the works, the pub­lic will be able to dis­cov­er them and meet the direc­tors, the major­i­ty of whom will be present. We include among us Todd Haynes, Rebec­ca Miller, Sophie Barthes… Twen­ty-four direc­tors, twelve of whom are in com­pe­ti­tion, will walk the red car­pet in Deauville. With­out for­get­ting Jer­ry Schatzberg, to whom Guil­laume Canet will pay tribute.

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