Agathe Rousselle



Agathe Rous­selle is an artist who wears many hats. In her career as a jour­nal­ist, she cre­at­ed the web mag­a­zine “Gen­er­al Pop” and the fem­i­nist fanzine “Peach,” and acts as edi­tor-in-chief for both. She is equal­ly at ease in front of the cam­era as a mod­el, as she is behind the lens as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er. Agathe Rous­selle also has her own embroi­dery line, Cheeky Boom. She began her act­ing career in Lau­rent Perreau’s 2015 short film 5 vagues de l’avenir. She broke out in Julia Ducournau’s 2021 fea­ture film Titane, win­ner of the Palme d’Or at that year’s Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, in which she played the lead female role. Her vis­cer­al per­for­mance in that film earned her this year’s Most Promis­ing Actress Lumière Award, and a César nom­i­na­tion in the same category.or-in-chief for both. She is equal­ly at ease in front of the cam­era as a mod­el, as she is behind the lens as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er. Agathe Rous­selle also has her own embroi­dery line, Cheeky Boom. She began her act­ing career in Lau­rent Perreau’s 2015 short film 5 vagues de l’avenir. She broke out in Julia Ducournau’s 2021 fea­ture film Titane, win­ner of the Palme d’Or at that year’s Cannes Film Fes­ti­val, in which she played the lead female role. Her vis­cer­al per­for­mance in that film earned her this year’s Most Promis­ing Actress Lumière Award, and a César nom­i­na­tion in the same category.

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