Alana Waksman



She holds an MFA from USC School of Cin­e­mat­ic Arts. As an actor, she trained at The O’Neill Nation­al The­ater Insti­tute, Shake­speare & Com­pa­ny, Berk­shire The­ater Fes­ti­val, and St. Peters­burg Dra­mat­ic Arts Acad­e­my in Rus­sia. While at USC, she was cho­sen as one of ten top direc­tors to co-direct USC’s first fea­ture film, Don Quixote: The Inge­nious Gen­tle­man of La Man­cha, under the guid­ance of James Fran­co. We Burn Like This, inspired by true events, is her fea­ture debut.

2021 We Burn Like this

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