Alex Lutz

Actor, Director, Stage director, Humorist


Alex Lutz made his first for­ay into act­ing and assis­tant direct­ing in Pas­cale Spengler’s troupe Les Foirades. In 2002, he found­ed the com­pa­ny Le coût de la pomme, cre­at­ing sev­er­al shows with them in the provinces. He came to Paris and start­ed act­ing for tele­vi­sion. He then met Sylvie Joly, for whom he co-wrote and direct­ed the last show “La Cerise sur le gâteau” at the Théâtre des Math­urins, as well as Pierre Pal­made, for whom he direct­ed in the plays “Le Comique,” nom­i­nat­ed for the 2009 Molières, and “Ils se re-aiment” with Michèle Laroque. Alex Lutz had his big-screen debut in Michel Haz­anavi­cius’ 2009 film OSS 117: Lost in Rio; he went on to alter­nate between movies, one-man shows, the­ater and tele­vi­sion. From 2011 to 2019, he and Bruno Sanch­es played Cather­ine et Lil­iane on Canal+. In 2016, he won his first Molière for com­e­dy, fol­lowed by a sec­ond in 2018. In 2015, he wrote, direct­ed and act­ed in his first fea­ture film, Le Tal­ent de mes amis, then direct­ed his sec­ond film Guy in 2019, win­ning the Best Actor César for his por­tray­al of a French croon­er. He appeared last spring in Gas­pard Noé’s Vor­tex and Éti­enne Comar’s Singing Jail­birds; next up is Thibault Segouin’s Une comédie roman­tique. He just com­plet­ed shoot­ing Une nuit, his third direc­to­r­i­al out­ing, in which he acts oppo­site Karin Viard.

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