Anne Berest

Novelist, Screenwriter, Actress


Anne Berest is the author of “The Post­card,” her sixth nov­el, trans­lat­ed in over 20 coun­tries and win­ner of the first-ever U.S. Goncourt Prize. This book fol­lowed “Gabriële,” co-writ­ten with her sis­ter Claire and pub­lished in 2018, whose hero­ine is Gabriële Buf­fet-Picabia, wife of the painter Fran­cis Picabia and com­pan­ion of the artist Mar­cel Duchamp. In this biog­ra­phy, the Berest sis­ters reha­bil­i­tate the intel­lec­tu­al role in art his­to­ry of their great-grand­moth­er Gabriële Buf­fet-Picabia, high­light­ing her con­tri­bu­tion to the dis­course around abstrac­tion in pic­to­r­i­al form. Hailed by crit­ics and art his­to­ri­ans, the book was also trans­lat­ed in numer­ous coun­tries. Anne Berest has also writ­ten two plays, includ­ing “The Vis­it,” a mono­logue per­formed at the Théâtre du Rond-Point, cre­at­ed in 2020 and reprised in 2021. As a screen­writer, she co-cre­at­ed, along­side Fab­rice Gob­ert, the series Mytho­ma­ni­ac for the chan­nel Arte, which won numer­ous awards, notably the 2019 Series Mania Audi­ence Award and the fol­low­ing year’s Best Non-Eng­lish Lan­guage Com­e­dy Series Award at the Banff World Media Fes­ti­val. Anne Berest also co-wrote Valérie Donzelli’s TV movie Just Love!, broad­cast on Arte in 2014, and has appeared in sev­er­al the­atri­cal fea­ture films includ­ing Valérie Donzelli’s Dec­la­ra­tion of War (2011), Maïwenn’s DNA (2020) and Rebec­ca Zlotowski’s Oth­er People’s Chil­dren (2022).

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