Antoine Reinartz



“As an audi­ence mem­ber, it makes me feel good to see some­thing that helps me to grow.”

A grad­u­ate of the Paris Nation­al Con­ser­va­to­ry, Antoine Reinartz graced Euro­pean the­ater stages (Swe­den, Italy…) for two years. He returned to France to per­form along­side Romane Bohringer in David Greig’s play The Events, direct­ed by Ramin Gray. In 2017, he took on the film role of Thibault, the activist and con­tro­ver­sial Act-Up pres­i­dent dur­ing the worst years of the AIDS epi­dem­ic in Robin Campillo’s BPM, pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. His nuanced per­for­mance earned him the César Award for Best Sup­port­ing Actor. Two years lat­er, he returned to the Croisette with Arnaud Desplechin’s Oh Mer­cy! This time he played Louis, a waver­ing new police lieu­tenant fac­ing a sor­did and chaot­ic real­i­ty. In 2019, the actor has also starred in Nico­las Pariser’s Alice and the May­or, Grand Corps Malade and Meh­di Idir’s School Life and Lucie Borleteau’s Per­fect Nan­ny, in which he played an over­worked father and Leïla Bekhti’s hus­band in this adap­ta­tion of Leïla Slimani’s nov­el. He will next appear in Lau­rent Cantet’s film Arthur Ram­bo and Samuel Theïs’ Petite Nature. Before return­ing to stage, he is cur­rent­ly shoot­ing Nona et ses filles for Arte, the first series direct­ed by Valérie Donzelli.

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