Brad Furman



He direct­ed three short films, before being hired by Uni­ver­sal to direct his first fea­ture The Take, screened at Toron­to in 2007. Four years lat­er, he made The Lin­coln Lawyer, star­ring Matthew McConaugh­ey, then Run­ner Run­ner (2013), star­ring Justin Tim­ber­lake and Ben Affleck. His next film, The Infil­tra­tor, the true sto­ry of a fed­er­al agent who went under­cov­er to infil­trate Pablo Escobar’s drug traf­fick­ing scene, opened Deauville in 2016.

2020 City of Lies  2016 The Infil­tra­tor 2013 Run­ner Run­ner  2011 The Lin­coln Lawyer 2007 The Take

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