Cécile Ducrocq



After study­ing polit­i­cal sci­ence, she changed path in 2010 and direct­ed Every­one Says I Love You, her first short film, recip­i­ent of the Unifrance Spe­cial Prize at Cannes. She then made three oth­er shorts, includ­ing Back Alley, which was select­ed at the Crit­ics’ Week and Sun­dance, and won the César for Best Short Film in 2015. At the same time, she co-wrote sev­er­al TV series, includ­ing Mai­son Close, The Bureau and Call My Agent!. Last year, she wrote and shot her first TV series, L’Opéra, for French broad­cast­er OCS. Her Way is her fea­ture debut.

2021 Her Way

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