

She grew up in Que­bec before mov­ing to Paris. She worked as an actress with direc­tors such as Michel Gondry (Mood Indi­go, 2013), Jalil Les­pert (Yves Saint Lau­rent, 2014), Lasse Hall­ström (The Hun­dred-Foot Jour­ney, 2014) but also Robert Zemeck­is (The Walk, 2015). She is also an artist explor­ing her taste for strange­ness through paint­ings, draw­ings and lith­o­graphs. Her pas­sion for genre films led her to write and direct Judith Hotel, a short film pre­sent­ed at the 2018 Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. Fal­con Lake, her fea­ture debut, pre­miered this year at The Direc­tors’ Fortnight.

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