Fabrice du Welz



He stud­ied at the Liège Con­ser­va­to­ry for Dra­mat­ic Arts and trained as a direc­tor at INSAS. His fea­ture debut Cal­vaire was pre­sent­ed at the 2004 Crit­ics’ Week. His sec­ond film Vinyan played at the 2008 Venice and Toron­to film fes­ti­vals. In 2016, he made his first Hol­ly­wood film, Mes­sage from the King, inspired by blax­ploita­tion cin­e­ma. In 2019, he shot Ado­ra­tion, the final film in his Arden­nais tril­o­gy after Cal­vaire and Alleluia. Inex­orable is his sev­enth film.

2021 Inex­orable 2019 Ado­ra­tion 2016 Mes­sage from the King 2014 Colt 45 2014 Alléluia 2008 Vinyan 2004 Calvaire

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