Julia Faure



A for­mer stu­dent of the Nation­al Supe­ri­or Con­ser­va­to­ry of Dra­mat­ic Arts, Julia Fau­re per­formed under the direc­tion of Klaus Michael Grüber in 1998 as part of the Autumn Fes­ti­val in Lui­gi Pirandello’s “The Moun­tain Giants.” That same year, she took class­es from Philippe Gar­rel who offered her her first film role in Wild Inno­cence (2001). Two years lat­er, Thier­ry Jousse filmed her imag­ined por­trait in Julia and the Men oppo­site Philippe Kater­ine, before Chris­t­ian Leigh hired her to play Guil­laume Depardieu’s wife in Process. Gain­ing atten­tion in 2012 for Noémie Lvovsky’s Camille Rewinds, she was nom­i­nat­ed the fol­low­ing year for the César for Best Female New­com­er. Julia Fau­re then per­son­i­fied the queen of Paris female escorts in Best in Bed (2014), the first film by author Del­phine de Vigan. She sub­se­quent­ly tacked between the­ater (“Who’s Afraid of Vir­ginia Woolf?,” “Croque Mon­sieur,” “Love and Forests”), film (Pas­cal Bonitzer’s 2016 Right Here Right Now and Pas­cal Elbé’s 2021 Hear Me Out) and tele­vi­sion (the Arte series Mytho­ma­ni­ac and No Man’s Land). In 2018, the actress appeared in Quentin Dupieux’s Deer­skin oppo­site Jean Dujardin and Adèle Haenel, before rejoin­ing the direc­tor two years lat­er for Smok­ing Caus­es Cough­ing. Recent­ly, Bertrand Bonel­lo offered her the lead role in Coma, pre­sent­ed at the 2022 Berli­nale and filmed her again in The Beast, his last fea­ture film select­ed in com­pe­ti­tion this year at the Venice Film Festival.

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