Marine Vacth



Marine Vacth was scout­ed by a mod­el­ing agent and quick­ly became the muse for the most pres­ti­gious brands. In 2011, direc­tor Cédric Klapisch offered her her first film role in My Piece of the Pie. Two years lat­er, François Ozon gave her greater recog­ni­tion by entrust­ing her with the lead female role in his film Young & Beau­ti­ful, pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. Her per­for­mance, hailed unan­i­mous­ly by crit­ics, earned her a 2014 Lumiere Inter­na­tion­al Press Award nom­i­na­tion in the Most Promis­ing Young Actress cat­e­go­ry. She went on to appear in Jean-Paul Rappeneau’s Fam­i­lies (2015), Nico­las Boukhrief’s The Con­fes­sion (2016) and Joan Chemla’s If You Saw His Heart (2017). She reunit­ed with François Ozon in 2017 for Dou­ble Lover. In 2020, she played a fairy in Mat­teo Garrone’s Pinoc­chio and Maïwenn’s younger sis­ter in her film DNA. Marine Vacth also por­trays the hero­ine in the fan­ta­sy series Moloch on Arte. This year, she appears in Gior­dano Gederlini’s thriller On the Edge and will next grace the big screen in Brieuc Carnaille’s Too Close to the Sun and Nico­las Bedos’ Mas­ca­rade.

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