Nick Richey



After major­ing in Eco­nom­ics at Lewis & Clark Col­lege in Port­land, Ore­gon, he wrote and direct­ed his first fea­ture Low Low in 2019, which received crit­i­cal acclaim from “LA Times” and “Vari­etyamongst oth­ers. He then co-wrote Ben Jagger’s hor­ror film Room 203, which was released the­atri­cal­ly this year. He recent­ly had a tele­vi­sion series titled Bed­lam in devel­op­ment at CBS Stu­dios and anoth­er series titled The Mon­tego Bay Sweep­stakes in devel­op­ment at ABC Stu­dios with co-cre­ator Tom­my Dewey. 1–800-Hot-Nite is his sec­ond fea­ture film.

2022 1–800-Hot-Nite

2019 Low Low

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