Oliver Stone



Born in 1946 in New York, he is known all over the world since the 1970s for his works as an award-win­ning direc­tor and screen­writer. He won in par­tic­u­lar the Acad­e­my Award for Best Adapt­ed Screen­play for Mid­night Express direct­ed by Alan Park­er (1978), and the one for Best Direc­tor for Pla­toon (1986) and Born on the 4th of July (1989)

2021 JFK Revis­it­ed: Through the Look­ing Glass — doc 2016 Snow­den 2012 Sav­ages 2010 Wall Street: Mon­ey Nev­er Sleeps 2008 W. 2006 World Trade Cen­ter 2004 Alexan­der 1999 Any Giv­en Sun­day 1997 U‑Turn 1995 Nixon 1994 Nat­ur­al Born Killers 1993 Heav­en & Earth 1991 JFK 1991 The Doors 1989 Born on the 4th of July 1988 Talk Radio 1987 Wall Street 1986 Pla­toon 1986 Sal­vador 1981 The Hand 1974 Seizure

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