Pablo Pauly



Hav­ing trained at the Cours Flo­rent free class, the Nation­al Supe­ri­or Con­ser­va­to­ry of Dra­mat­ic Arts, and then the Roy­al Cen­tral School of Speech and Dra­ma in Lon­don, Pablo Pauly appeared on screen in Nils Tavernier’s 2014 The Fin­ish­ers. He then appeared in Emmanuelle Bercot’s 2016 150 Mil­ligrams, but the actor tru­ly made his name in 2017 when he took on the lead role in Grand Corps Malade and Meh­di Idir’s film, Patients. His per­for­mance earned him a nom­i­na­tion the fol­low­ing year for the César for Best Male New­com­er. Since then, he’s done one film role after the next, shoot­ing with such major direc­tors as Anne Fontaine in 2019’s White as Snow, Jérôme Bon­nell in 2021’s The Love Let­ter, and Wes Ander­son with an appear­ance in 2021’s The French Dis­patch. In recent years, Pablo Pauly also act­ed in Nico­las Boukrief’s 2019 adap­ta­tion of the Pierre Lemaitre nov­el Three Days and a Life, in Nico­las Pleskof’s rau­cous 2021 com­e­dy Mur­der Par­ty, and in Flo­rent Gouelou’s first film Three Nights a Week in 2022, in which he per­formed oppo­site drag queen Cook­ie Kun­ty. After the July release of Laeti­tia Masson’s Sum­mer Frost, he will next appear in Stéphane Demoustier’s Bor­go with Michel Fou, and will rejoin Jérôme Bon­nell behind the cam­era for À la joie.

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