Sophie Letourneur

Director, Screenwriter, Actress


After study­ing art at the Duper­ré School and at the Nation­al Supe­ri­or School for Dec­o­ra­tive Arts, Sophie Letourneur start­ed out direct­ing exper­i­men­tal videos, instal­la­tions and doc­u­men­taries, as well as a short film, with a Super 8 video cam­era. In 2004, she direct­ed her first nar­ra­tive short film, La Tête dans le vide, then went on to direct two mid-length films, Manue Bolon­aise, select­ed for 2006 Direc­tors’ Fort­night, and Roc et canyon (2008). In 2009, she co-wrote and direct­ed her first fea­ture film, Chicks, which won the Audi­ence Award and Best French Film at the Belfort Entre­vues Film Fes­ti­val. She pulled an orig­i­nal move by link­ing her short film The Shady Sailor (2011) and her sec­ond fea­ture film Les Coquil­lettes (2012), act­ing in both and both pre­sent­ed at the Locarno Film Fes­ti­val. In 2014, for the first time, she solicit­ed pro­fes­sion­al actors like Loli­ta Chammah, Ben­jamin Bio­lay and Félix Moati for Gaby Baby Doll. In 2020, she direct­ed Mari­na Foïs and Jonathan Cohen in the com­e­dy Enor­mous. Her new film, Voy­ages en Ital­ie, is cur­rent­ly in post-production.

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