Vincent Lacoste



“I always choose the films I make in the same way: do I want to see this, does this cor­re­spond to my desires as an avid filmgoer?”

Vin­cent Lacoste made his film debut in 2009 with The French Kissers, the first fea­ture from car­toon­ist Riad Sat­touf. The com­e­dy was select­ed for Direc­tors’ Fort­night and earned him a César Award nom­i­na­tion for Most Promis­ing Actor. He was then offered numer­ous roles, most notably in Lau­rent Tirard’s Astérix and Obélix: God Save Bri­tan­nia (2012), Noémie Lvovsky’s Camille Rewinds (2012), and Riad Sattouf’s Jacky in the King­dom of Women (2014). In 2004, he played a young doc­tor dis­cov­er­ing the harsh real­i­ties of hos­pi­tal life in Hip­pocrates: Diary of a French Doc­tor, the first film direct­ed by Thomas Lilti, whom he rejoined four years lat­er for The Fresh­men. Between these two films, he starred in Julie Delpy’s Lolo (2015), Danielle Arbid’s Parisi­enne (2015), Pas­cal Bonitzer’s Right Here Right Now (2016), Gus­tave Kervern and Benoît Delépine’s Saint Amour (2016), and Jus­tine Triet’s In Bed with Vic­to­ria (2016). He has twice appeared in films by Christophe Hon­oré, in 2018’s Sor­ry Angel and in 2019’s On a Mag­i­cal Night, both screened in com­pe­ti­tion at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. After Mikhaël Hers’ Aman­da (2018), which earned him his third César nom­i­na­tion, and Félix Moati’s Fathers and Sons (2019), he starred in Kervern-Delépine duo’s Delete His­to­ry. He will next appear in Xavier Giannoli’s Lost Illusions.

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