Daisy Ridley Hollywood Raising-Star Award

Since 2011, the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val com­mend­ed emerg­ing fig­ures of the sev­enth art. From Ryan Gosling (2011) and Jes­si­ca Chas­tain (2011) to Ana de Armas (2022) and Emil­ia Clarke (2023), includ­ing Paul Dano (2012) and Robert Pat­tin­son (2015), among oth­ers, the Hol­ly­wood Rais­ing-Star Award high­lights the actors and actress­es of today to bet­ter reveal the faces of tomor­row’s cin­e­ma. For this 50th edi­tion, the Hol­ly­wood Rais­ing-Star Award hon­or­ing an emerg­ing actress will be giv­en to Daisy Rid­ley in her presence.

Ridley’s tal­ent man­i­fest­ed itself in light speed in a galaxy far, far away when direc­tor J.J. Abrams chose her in 2015 to embody the new face of the Star Wars saga. Revealed thanks to the role of Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awak­ens, the cen­tral char­ac­ter of a new tril­o­gy fea­tur­ing Adam Dri­ver, Oscar Isaac and Jon Boye­ga, the actress, then unknown to the gen­er­al pub­lic, estab­lished her­self on screen behind the fear­less, com­bat­ive char­ac­ter of her heroine.

Along­side these Dis­ney block­busters and a role in Ken­neth Branagh’s Mur­der on the Ori­ent Express, Daisy Rid­ley have also revealed her­self in more inti­mate fea­ture films, where her act­ing and nuances are in evi­dence, like in Rachel Lambert’s indie dra­ma Some­times I Think About Dying, for which Rid­ley daz­zled audi­ences with her stun­ning per­for­mance, or in Sam Yates’ Mag­pie which recent­ly pre­miered at the SXSW Film Festival.

Salut­ing tal­ent and dar­ing, the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val is thrilled to wel­come Daisy Rid­ley to award her with the Hol­ly­wood Rais­ing-Star Award.

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