Discover the poster for the 48th edition of the Deauville American Film Festival

The Wiz­ard of Oz inspired this poster, and the world of cin­e­ma, unit­ing audi­ences and­pro­fes­sion­als alike. The era’s tech­ni­cal mas­tery made pos­si­ble the coex­ist­ing gen­res in the­work: fan­ta­sy, poet­ry, musical.

The film show­cased Judy Gar­land and Mick­ey Rooney and influ­enced count­less direc­torsin­clud­ing David Lynch and John Boor­man, not to men­tion a cer­tain Michael Jackson.

In 1927, Fritz Lang uni­ver­sal­ized his female robot in Metrop­o­lis. In 1939, Vic­tor Flemingim­mor­tal­ized all the char­ac­ters sur­round­ing Judy Gar­land, includ­ing that won­der­ful tin man­who wished “he only had a heart.”

Let’s fol­low that road.

Bruno Barde
Fes­ti­val Director

Poster 48th American Film Festival

I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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