Discover the poster for the 50th edition of the Deauville American Film Festival!

At the cross­roads of per­spec­tives, 50 years of Amer­i­can cinema

When the lights come back on, the images per­sist. The illu­sion of move­ment in 24 frames per sec­ond worked. We must there­fore nev­er lose sight of the fact that cin­e­ma is above all a game of gaze, where the eye of the film­mak­er comes to meet that of the spec­ta­tor. Lionel Chouchan and André Hal­i­mi want­ed to extend this dia­logue of silent eyes fur­ther to Amer­i­ca, a major play­er in the 7th Art, whose pre-emi­nence con­tin­ues to be denied more than a cen­tu­ry after the infan­cy of Hol­ly­wood. Sup­port­ed in the mid-1970s by the may­or of Deauville Michel d’Or­nano and Lucien Bar­rière, founder of the group that bears his name, in 1975 they launched the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val, a cul­tur­al event with­out any com­par­i­son for the time, where the works land­ed from Uncle Sam’s coun­try were offered on the Nor­mandy coast a priv­i­leged place of con­ver­sa­tion with the French pub­lic. Fifty years lat­er, their ambi­tion remains intact. If the out­siders of yes­ter­year, faces of the New Hol­ly­wood, have become the revered mas­ters of today, their visions of yes­ter­year accom­pa­ny the new eyes of film­mak­ers ever more eager to shake up per­spec­tives again and again. In Deauville, eyes remain con­stant­ly open to pro­long the dialogue.

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