Guillaume Canet Jury President

Guil­laume Canet ©Arno Lam/ Charlette Studio

Jury Pres­i­dent

“I’ve always held a fas­ci­na­tion and pas­sion for Amer­i­can inde­pen­dent cin­e­ma. Espe­cial­ly that of the 1970s. Sam Peck­in­pah, Jer­ry Schatzberg, Fran­cis Ford Cop­po­la, Mar­tin Scors­ese… These direc­tors were often able to express them­selves free of the com­mer­cial pres­sures of the big Hol­ly­wood stu­dios. Explor­ing new nar­ra­tive forms, exper­i­ment­ing with new tech­niques and shak­ing up tra­di­tion­al conventions.

This cin­e­ma that I grew up with gave rise to numer­ous tal­ent­ed film­mak­ers such as Quentin Taran­ti­no, Sofia Cop­po­la, Wes Ander­son… And many more, who brought their unique vision to the Amer­i­can cin­e­mat­ic land­scape, a refresh­ing alter­na­tive to main­stream productions.

And more than any­thing it’s this cre­ativ­i­ty, audac­i­ty and diver­si­ty that I appre­ci­ate so much about inde­pen­dent film. This con­tri­bu­tion to enrich­ing and enlarg­ing our expe­ri­ence of cinema.

The Deauville Film Fes­ti­val has become the essen­tial ren­dezvous for Amer­i­can cin­e­ma in Europe, and it’s with immense joy and pride that I’ve agreed to pre­side over the jury of this 2023 edi­tion. Thank you Bruno Barde for this invi­ta­tion and see you soon on the banks of the Flow­ery Coast!”

Guil­laume Canet

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