Looking back on MONDAY 6th September :

The direc­tor Tim Sut­ton was in Deauville to present his film THE LAST SON.
The direc­tor Diego Ongaro, the pro­duc­er Robert Chris­tiano, the edi­tor Benoit Sauvage and the scriptwriter Xabi Molia pre­sent­ed the film DOWN WITH THE KING.

Lau­re Calmy was delight­ed to see the audi­ence dur­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion of the film UNE FEMME DU MONDE by Cécile Ducrocq, part of the French Cin­e­ma selection.
For the screen­ing of the film pre­miere of KATE, the actress Mary Eliz­a­beth Win­stead has a mes­sage for you:

In the papers:
The direc­tor of the film PLEASURE, Nin­ja Thy­berg, talks about behind the scenes in the porno film indus­try, inter­viewed by Konbini.

Trib­ute to Jean-Paul Belmondo :
Jean-Paul Bel­mon­do was more than an actor, he was a leg­end in French cul­ture. For Amer­i­cans, he will always be the face of French New Wave. For the French, he will be known as the most auda­cious and well-loved actor in the his­to­ry of French Cinema.
He was remem­bered with much emo­tion at the fes­ti­val on Mon­day 6th September.

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