Looking back on September 5th

Con­ver­sa­tions with John­ny Depp & Meet­ing with the public.
In its will­ing­ness to trans­mit and share pre­cious moments, the Deauville Fes­ti­val orga­nized a meet­ing between John­ny Depp and the fes­ti­val goers, dur­ing his vis­it to pro­mote the film CITY OF LIES by Brad Fur­man. Going back over mem­o­ries, his car­ri­er and emblem­at­ic roles, John­ny Depp was in Deauville for a live dis­cus­sion with the public. 

The actor also showed pro­found gen­eros­i­ty towards the many fans who wait­ed to see him after the film screen­ing. Lets look back in pic­tures on these eager­ly-await­ed moments!

What the papers say:
« I admire the Fes­ti­val Orga­niz­ers: The fes­ti­val pays trib­ute to the Cin­e­ma, the writ­ers, the real film­mak­ers, and not only the most suc­cess­ful ones who make mon­ey in Hol­ly­wood. Mak­ing a film can already be con­sid­ered a suc­cess. It is a fes­ti­val that rec­og­nizes young film­mak­ers, all kinds of films, inde­pen­dent films. I have always been impressed by the diver­si­ty of the films that are pre­sent­ed there. »
John­ny Depp, present in Deauville, answered ques­tions from our part­ners at France Inter. 

Also present were the teams from the films in com­pe­ti­tion, WE ARE LIVING THINGS by Anto­nio Tibal­di, PIG by Michael Sarnos­ki, and the team of the doc­u­men­tary JIM CARREY, UNMASKED AMERICA. The mem­bers of the Jury: Bertrand Bonel­lo, Garence Mar­il­li­er, Fatou N’Diaye, the actor Pierre Rochefort, the actress Laëti­tia Eido and the Direc­tor Pierre Filmon. 

Uncle Sam’s Documentaries:
The Direc­tor Jean-Bap­tiste Thoret was in Deauville to present his new doc­u­men­tary MICHAEL CIMINO, GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

Crédit pho­to © Jacques Basile 

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