Looking back on the 10th September!


Direc­tor Pas­cual Sis­to was in Deauville to present his film John and the Hole


Direc­tor Joachim Tri­er and the actress Renate Reinsve, who won best female actress in Cannes in 2021, came to Deauville to present JULIE (EN 12 CHAPITRES)


Audrey Ismael, Pas­cual Sis­to the direc­tor of JOHN AND THE HOLE, Jim Cum­mings direc­tor of THE BETA TEST, actors Marie Colomb and Thi­mo­thée Robart from the film LES MAGNETIQUES, direc­tor Chris­tophe Hon­oré and actors Sébastien Poud­ereux and Flo­rence Viala for the film GUERMANTES as well as the direc­tor Joa­chim Tri­er, the actress Renate Reinsve for the film JULIE (EN DOUZE CHAPITRES), direc­tor Lau­ren Hada­way and the actress Isa­belle Fuhr­man for the film THE NOVICE.

The Pres­i­dent, Char­lotte Gains­bourg accom­panied by her Jury and the mem­bers of the Rev­e­la­tion Jury Céleste Brunn­quell & India Hair.
But also the actress­es Céline Salette, Amelle Chah­bi, the for­mer Cul­ture Min­is­ter Fleur Pel­le­rin and the rap­per Sam’s.

The film DUNE by Denis Vil­le­neuve was screened in the Michel D’Or­na­no audi­to­ri­um equipped with Dol­by Atmos 3D sound tech­no­lo­gy. A sur­round sys­tem for a sci­ence fic­tion film, an immer­sive audio for­mat. The C.I.D in Deau­ville is the only con­gress cen­tre in France to have this lev­el of tech­no­log­i­cal innovation. .

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