Lucy Boynton, Hollywood Rising Star

Hav­ing per­formed in Chris Noonan’s MISS POTTER, Ken­neth Branagh’s MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS, Gareth Evans’ APOSTLE and Doug Liman’s LOCKED DOWN, Lucy Boyn­ton became known world­wide for John Carney’s musi­cal com­e­dy SING STREET. The film played in com­pe­ti­tion at the 2016 Deauville Fes­ti­val, in her pres­ence, and earned rap­tur­ous reviews, as well as a Gold­en Globe nom­i­na­tion. In 2018, she por­trayed the com­pan­ion of the singer Fred­die Mer­cury, played by Rami Malek, in Bryan Singer’s BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY. The film, about the rock group Queen, was a mas­sive hit and gar­nered mul­ti­ple awards, includ­ing five Oscar nom­i­na­tions. The actress also appears in the Ryan Mur­phy-cre­at­ed series THE POLITICIAN (along­side Ben Platt and Gwyneth Pal­trow), Hugh Laurie’s WHY DIDN’T THEY ASK EVANS? and THE IPCRESS FILE by John Hodge 

The Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val is thrilled to wel­come Lucy Boyn­ton and to award her the New Hol­ly­wood Prize.

© Crédit pho­to : Sasha Marro

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