Masterclass Barbet Schroeder

On the occa­sion of his com­ing to Deauville, the fes­ti­val will hold a Mas­ter Class led by Philippe Rouy­er. This meet­ing will take place at the Deauville Inter­na­tion­al Cen­ter and will be open to all fes­ti­val-goers. Date and times to come.


After Jacques Audi­ard (The Sis­ters Broth­ers) and Olivi­er Assayas (Wasp Net­work), for this 46th edi­tion we will hon­or Bar­bet Schroed­er, not for one film, but for the ensem­ble of his Amer­i­can work. The mere men­tion of his name evokes icon­ic images of the New Wave and the young turks of the “Cahiers du Ciné­ma”. But of course one also thinks of Les Films du Losange, the pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny he found­ed at bare­ly 20 to pro­duce the films of Eric Rohmer and which con­tin­ues to illu­mi­nate the land­scape for lovers of French cin­e­ma today.

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