Bang Bang

By Vincent Grashaw


Retired pugilist Bernard “Bang Bang” Rozys­ki is inspired to try his hand at train­ing once he recon­nects with his estranged grand­son. While their train­ing brings Bang Bang out of the hole he’s been liv­ing in, every­one ques­tions his moti­va­tions, includ­ing an ex-girl­friend from decades ago, who was privy to Bang Bang’s mete­oric rise in the sport in the 80s as well as the rival­ry with his for­mer oppo­nent Dar­nell Wash­ing­ton. Is Bang Bang mere­ly pass­ing down inher­it­ed rage, or is there true altru­ism behind his tutelage?

By : Vincent Grashaw
Year : 2024
Duration : 1h44
With : Tim Blake Nelson, Glenn Plummer, Kevin Corrigan, Nina Arianda, Andrew Liner, Erica Gimpel, Daniella Pineda
Nationality : USA

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 


Ran Namerode, Angelia Adz­ic, Cole Payne, Vin­cent Grashaw & Will Janowitz


Will Janowitz


Pat Aldinger


Vin­cent Grashaw


James Wake­field, Hen­ry Nel­son & Will Curry

World Sales

Tra­verse Media
+1 310 383 6418

During the festival

  • Monday 9th september + In presence of the director Vincent Grashaw and the actor Tim Blake Nelson At the end of the film, meeting with the team 10h00  ›  C.I.D
  • Tuesday 10 september 15h00  ›  Casino
  • Friday 13th september 09h00  ›  Morny 2

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Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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