
By Sophia Silver


It’s the sum­mer of 2002. Vio­let and Stel­la are nine-years old and insep­a­ra­ble. They spend their days play­ing in waves, catch­ing but­ter­flies, send­ing wish­es to fairies, and spy­ing on nude adults at the beach. But then, the sum­mer ends. Stel­la has friends back home but would rather talk with them about mer­maids than tam­pons. A lone­ly Vio­let attracts the atten­tion of a vicious bul­ly, while silent­ly pro­cess­ing her chang­ing body. Over the next few sum­mers, the girls come togeth­er, but puber­ty, boys, fam­i­ly trau­ma, and the desire to “fit in” all begin to threat­en the mag­ic of their friendship. 

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

By : Sophia Silver
Year : 2022
Duration : 1h28
With : Emajean Bullock, Anastasia Veronica Lee, Adam David Thompson, Madeline Wise, Brandon Keener, Christiane Seidel
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Sophia Sil­ver, Grace West, Grace Gre­go­ry, Kim­ber­ly Hwang & Chelsea Davenport

Script : Sophia Sil­ver & Sian­ni Rosenstock

Cin­e­matog­ra­phy: Frances Chen

Edit­ing : Yu Jung Hou

Music : Jack­son Greenberg

Pro­duc­tion : Syn­chronic­i­ties LLC

+1 339 368‑1359



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