Palm Trees and Power Lines

By Jamie Dack


Sev­en­teen-year-old Lea spends her sum­mer break drift­ing around aim­less­ly. This monot­o­ny is inter­rupt­ed by a chance encounter with Tom, a seduc­tive man twice her age who promis­es an alter­na­tive to Lea’s unsat­is­fy­ing ado­les­cent life. Quick­ly falling for his charis­mat­ic charm, Tom’s grip tight­ens on Lea, iso­lat­ing her from those around her, but she soon comes to real­ize that Tom’s inten­tions are not what they seem.

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

By : Jamie Dack
Year : 2022
Duration : 1h50
With : Lily McInerny, Jonathan Tucker, Gretchen Mol, Emily Jackson, Quinn Frankel, Armani Jackson, Ping Wu, Timothy Taratchila
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion :Leah Chen Bak­er & Jamie Dack 

Script  : Jamie Dack & Audrey Findlay

Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Chana­nun Chotrungroj

Edit­ing  : Christo­pher Radcliff

World Sales Film Con­stel­la­tion 

+33 6 72 12 60 24


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