Peace in the Valley

By Tyler Riggs



Ash­ley Rhodes and her hus­band John are in a super­mar­ket with their son Jesse when a gun­man begins ran­dom­ly fir­ing into the store. John, a fire­fight­er and a vet­er­an, rush­es towards the attack­er and dies a hero. But that brings lit­tle com­fort to Ash­ley, who’s not only mourn­ing her hus­band but strug­gling with Jesse’s bud­ding inter­est in hunting…

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

By : Tyler Riggs
Year : 2022
Duration : 1h28
With : Brit Shaw, Michael Abbott Jr, William Samiri, Dendrie Taylor, Nicky Buggs, Alex Van, Michael Milligan
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Blake Johns, Andrew Carl­berg & Brit Shaw

Script : Tyler Rig­gs

Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Mack Fish­er

Edit­ing : Adam Lem­nah

Music : Chris Dud­ley

Pro­duc­tion : Riv­er Fall Productions

+1 310 779 1737


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