Sophie Jones

By Jessie Barr


16-year-old Sophie Jones is grap­pling with the recent death of her moth­er. Phys­i­cal inti­ma­cy with anoth­er per­son becomes the only way for Sophie to feel any­thing. She tries to keep her rela­tion­ships strict­ly for her own empow­er­ment and as a means of dis­trac­tion. Ulti­mate­ly Sophie learns that sex­u­al inti­ma­cy is a tem­po­rary salve, but love is last­ing medicine.

By : Jessie Barr
Duration : 1h25
With : Jessica Barr, Skyler Verity, Claire Manning, Charlie Jackson, Dave Roberts, Tristan Decker, Sam Kamerman, Elle Layne, Chase Offerle
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Jessie Barr, Jes­si­ca Barr, Lind­say Guer­rero, Joe Din­nen & Nicole Holofcener
Script : Jessie Barr & Jes­si­ca Barr
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Scott Miller
Edit­ing : Nao­mi Sun­rise Filoramo
Music : Nate Heller
Cast : Jes­si­ca Barr, Skyler Ver­i­ty, Claire Man­ning, Char­lie Jack­son, Dave Roberts, Tris­tan Deck­er, Sam Kamer­man, Elle Layne, Chase Offerle
Pro­duc­tion : The Sound­ing Board, +1 312 961 03 83,,

In Eng­lish with French subtitles


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