The Beta Test

By Jim Cummings & PJ McCabe


Jor­dan Hines, a suc­cess­ful Hol­ly­wood agent who is about to mar­ry, receives an anony­mous let­ter invit­ing him to a mys­te­ri­ous sex­u­al encounter. His world of lies and sin­is­ter streams of dig­i­tal data begins to fall apart.

By : Jim Cummings & PJ McCabe
Duration : 1h31
With : Jim Cummings, Virginia Newcomb, PJ McCabe, Jessie Barr, Wilky Lau, Olivia Applegate, Jacqueline Doke, Kevin Changaris, Malin Barr, Christian Hillborg
Nationality : USA & UK

Pro­duc­tion : Natal­ie Met­zger, Matt Miller & Ben­jamin Wiessner
Script : Jim Cum­mings & PJ McCabe
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Ken­neth Wales
Edit­ing : Jim Cummings
Music : Jef­frey Camp­bell Bin­er & Ben Lovett
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : New Sto­ry, +33 1 82 83 58 90,,

In Eng­lish, Swedish & Man­darin with French subtitles


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