The Card Counter

By Paul Schrader


William Tell, a for­mer ser­vice­man who became a pok­er play­er, leads a soli­tary exis­tence on the casi­no trail, run­ning away from the dark­ness of his past. His path cross­es with Cirk, a vul­ner­a­ble and angry young man obsessed with his plan for revenge on a mil­i­tary colonel Tell was once in trou­ble with. As he sets his sight on win­ning a major pok­er tour­na­ment, Tell takes Cirk with him on the road, decid­ed to lure him away from the vio­lence that he knows well from his pri­or life…

By : Paul Schrader
Duration : 1H49
With : Oscar Isaac, Tye Sheridan, Tiffany Haddish, Willem Dafoe, Ekaterina Baker, Amye Gousset
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Brax­ton Pope, Lau­ren Mann, David M. Wulf & Mar­tin Scorsese
Script : Paul Schrader
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Alexan­der Dynan
Edit­ing : Ben­jamin Rodriguez Jr.
Music : Robert Lev­on Been & Gian­car­lo Vulcano
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Con­dor Dis­tri­b­u­tion, +33 1 55 94 91 70,,



Oscar Isaac stars as William Tell in THE CARD COUNTER, a Focus Features release.  

Credit: Courtesy of Focus Features
03058_FP_CARDCOUNTER Oscar Isaac stars as William Tell in THE CARD COUNTER, a Focus Features release. Credit: Courtesy of Focus Features

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