The Nest

By Sean Durkin



Rory, an ambi­tious entre­pre­neur and for­mer com­modi­ties bro­ker, per­suades his Amer­i­can wife, Alli­son, and their chil­dren to leave the com­forts of sub­ur­ban Amer­i­ca and return to his native Eng­land dur­ing the 1980s. Sens­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty, Rory leas­es a cen­turies-old coun­try manor, with grounds for Allison’s hors­es. Soon the promise of a lucra­tive new begin­ning starts to unrav­el, the cou­ple have to face the unwel­come truths lying beneath the sur­face of their marriage.

By : Sean Durkin
Duration : 1h47
With : Jude Law, Carrie Coon, Charlie Shotwell, Oona Roche, Michael Culkin, Anne Reid, Kaisa Hammarlund, Adeel Akhtar
Nationality : USA, UK & Canada

Pro­duc­tion : Ed Guiney, Der­rin Schlesinger, Rose Gar­nett, Christi­na Piovesa & Sean Durkin
Script : Sean Durkin
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Mátyás Erdély
Edit­ing : Matthew Hannam
Music : Richard Reed Parry
Cast : Jude Law, Car­rie Coon, Char­lie Shotwell, Oona Roche, Michael Culkin, Anne Reid, Kaisa Ham­mar­lund, Adeel Akhtar
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : SND — Groupe M6, +33 1 41 92 79 33,,

In Eng­lish with French subtitles


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