The Violent Heart

By Kerem Sanga


Cassie is a viva­cious col­lege-bound senior on the cusp of grad­u­a­tion. She finds her­self falling for Daniel, a local mechan­ic with tac­i­turn demeanor who dreams of becom­ing a Marine. As they fall for one anoth­er, the details sur­round­ing Daniel’s trag­ic and vio­lent past inevitably catch up with them.

By : Kerem Sanga
Duration : 1h47
With : Kimberly Williams-Paisley, Cress Williams, Lukas Haas, Jovan Adepo, Grace Van Patten
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Dan Cohen, P. Jen­nifer Dana, Shawn Levy, Tobey Maguire, Edward L. McDon­nell, Matthew Plouffe
Scé­nario | Script : Kerem Sanga
Image | Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Ricar­do Diaz
Mon­tage | Edit­ing : Joshua Ray­mond Lee
Musique | Music : John Swihart
 Inter­pré­ta­tion | Cast : Kim­ber­ly Williams-Pais­ley, Cress Williams, Lukas Haas, Jovan Ade­po, Grace Van Patten

In Eng­lish with French subtitles


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