War Pony

By Gina Gammell , Riley Keough


Two young Oglala Lako­ta men grow up on Pine Ridge Reser­va­tion. At 23, Bill just wants to make some­thing of him­self. Whether it’s deliv­er­ing goods or breed­ing poo­dles, he is deter­mined to hus­tle his way to the “Amer­i­can Dream”. Mean­while, 12-year-old Matho can’t wait to become a man. Des­per­ate for approval from his young father, a series of impul­sive deci­sions turns Matho’s life upside down and he finds him­self unequipped to deal with the harsh real­i­ties of the adult world. Bound by their shared search for belong­ing, each of the boys grap­ple with iden­ti­ty, fam­i­ly, and loss, as they nav­i­gate their unique paths to manhood.

In Eng­lish & Lako­ta with French subtitles

By : Gina Gammell , Riley Keough
Year : 2022
Duration : 1h54
With : Jojo Bapteise Whiting, Ladainian Crazy Thunder, Jesse Schmockel, Wilma Colhoff, Iona Red Bear, Woodrow Lone Elk, Ta-Yamni Long Black Cat, Jeremy Corbin Cottier
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Willi White, Bert Hamelinck, Ryan Zacarias, Sacha Ben Har­roche, Riley Keough & Gina Gammell

Script : Franklin Sioux Bob, Bill Red­dy, Riley Keough & Gina Gammell

Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : David Gal­lego

Edit­ing : Alfon­so Gonçalves, Eduar­do Ser­ra­no & Ernie Gilbert

Music : Christo­pher Stracey & Mato Wayuhi

World Sales : Pro­tag­o­nist Pictures




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