Peter Dinklage Deauville Talent Award !

Peter Dinklage’s break­out role came in 2003 with the Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val Audi­ence Award–winner The Sta­tion Agent. Since then, Peter has been a con­stant force in the act­ing world, best known for his role as “Tyri­on Lan­nis­ter” in Game of Thrones, for which he has won a record four Emmy Awards and a Gold­en Globe Award. He has starred in such films as Bryan Singer’s X‑Men: Days of Future Past, Frank Oz’s Death at a Funer­al, Tom DiCillo’s Liv­ing in Obliv­ion, which won the Grand Prize at Deauville in 1995, and many others. 

Peter can also be seen in I Think We’re Alone Now, direct­ed by Reed Mora­no, oppo­site Elle Fan­ning. The film won the “Spe­cial Jury Prize” for Excel­lence in Film­mak­ing at the 2018 Sun­dance Film Fes­ti­val along with the pres­ti­gious Dol­by Atmos Grant. He can also be seen in Sacha Gervasi’s My Din­ner with Hervé on HBO oppo­site Jamie Dor­nan. Oth­er recent cred­its include Mar­tin McDonagh’s Three Bill­boards Out­side Ebbing, Mis­souri with Frances McDor­mand and Sam Rock­well and J Blakeson’s I Care a Lot with Rosamund Pike which pre­miered to rave reviews at the 2020 Toron­to Inter­na­tion­al Film Festival. 

He was most recent­ly seen in MGM’s Cyra­no direct­ed by Joe Wright. He also recent­ly wrapped Max Barbakow’s Broth­ers for Leg­endary oppo­site Josh Brolin and Glenn Close, Macon Blair’s The Tox­ic Avenger also at Leg­endary, Unfrost­ed direct­ed by Jer­ry Sein­feld, Fran­cis Lawrence’s The Hunger Games: The Bal­lad of Song­birds and Snakes, Paul Dektor’s Amer­i­can Dream­er with Shirley MacLaine and Elliott Lester’s The Thick­et.

He will soon be seen on the big screen in Rebec­ca Miller’s She Came to Me, along­side Anna Hath­away and Marisa Tomei.

Actor Peter Dinklage from the film 'Rememory' poses for a portrait at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival Getty Images Portrait Studio presented by DIRECTV on January 23, 2017 in Park City, Utah. (Photo by Maarten de Boer/Contour by Getty Images)
Peter Din­klage © Maarten de Boer­Con­tour by Get­ty Images

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