Rebecca Zlotowski, Revelation Jury President

Born in Paris in 1980, an école nor­male supérieure hon­ors grad­u­ate in mod­ern lit­er­a­ture and an alum­na of FEMIS, Rebec­ca Zlo­tows­ki direct­ed her first fea­ture film in 2010, Dear Pru­dence, which was pre­sent­ed at Cannes Crit­ics’ Week, won the Louis Del­luc Prize for Best First Film and earned Léa Sey­doux a César nom­i­na­tion for Most Promis­ing Actress. In 2013, she was a mem­ber of the Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val jury presided by Vin­cent Lin­don. That same year, her sec­ond fea­ture, Grand Cen­tral, a lumi­nous film of atmos­pher­ic lyri­cism, was pre­sent­ed as an offi­cial selec­tion of the Fes­ti­val de Cannes in the Un Cer­tain Regard sec­tion. This was fol­lowed by Plan­e­tar­i­um, a melan­choly homage to cin­e­ma that ques­tioned our belief in images. An Easy Girl, a wily Rohmer­ian tale, enchant­ed Direc­tors’ Fort­night in 2019, while her series Sav­ages made its mark on the world of tele­vi­sion this year through its panoram­ic, sharply polit­i­cal inter­ro­ga­tion of mul­ti­cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty in France.

In bare­ly ten years, through four fea­tures and one series, Rebec­ca Zlo­tows­ki has become an essen­tial film­mak­er, blow­ing a fresh gust of moder­ni­ty into young French cin­e­ma. Armed with a sol­id love of film and a pas­sion­ate tem­pera­ment, active in the 50/50 col­lec­tive and co-pres­i­dent of the SRF, she has defied the glass ceil­ing and become in just a few short years the very incar­na­tion of a vir­tu­osic new inter­na­tion­al auteur cin­e­ma with a dis­tinct­ly fem­i­nine bent.

Not con­tent only to direct, Rebec­ca Zlo­tows­ki also writes, quite a lot, with Sabri Loutah, Ted­dy Lus­si Mod­este and Philippe Grandrieux, nev­er ceas­ing to con­sid­er film and screen­writ­ing in par­tic­u­lar as a col­lec­tive art, a space for debate and sharing.

“I have great, great faith in cin­e­ma as a lyri­cal, nov­el­is­tic and polit­i­cal tool,” says Rebec­ca Zlo­tows­ki, and each of her films bears wit­ness to the infi­nite respect the film­mak­er brings to her art… A faith that will make her, with­out any doubt, a remark­able Rev­e­la­tion Jury Pres­i­dent for the 46th Deauville Amer­i­can Film Festival.

The Rev­e­la­tion Jury, led by Rebec­ca Zlo­tows­ki, will bestow the Louis Roed­er­er Foun­da­tion Rev­e­la­tion Prize at the awards cer­e­mo­ny on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 12th.

Présidente du Jury Révélation 2020

© Marie Rouge

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