2 signing sessions wednesday 5p.m at the CI.D

Ren­dez-vous under the glass roof of the C.I.D to meet 2 tal­ent­ed artists!

“The world does not exist” Lucien-Barrière Literary Prize 2020

Fab­rice Hum­bert deliv­ers a breath­tak­ing work that ques­tions us about a soci­ety blind­ed by lies, where real­i­ty and fic­tion are one.

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Talented Photographer Stéphane Kossman shares all the magic of the Film Festival in a limited edition book, perfect for all Cinema and Festival lovers. 

” Infor­mal moments, doubts, laugh­ter, joy, humil­i­ty and sincerity…..share the hap­py moments that we expe­ri­ence when we leave the cinema.

Catch­ing someone’s eye doesn’t inter­est me, it’s not what I’m look­ing for, in my 30 years of red car­pet expe­ri­ence I’ve nev­er tried to intervene.

The change­able light in Deauville inspires me to take black and white pho­tographs of the Festival. ”

Stéphane Koss­man

We met in Deauville, 96 images from 1995–2019, buy on site or on the offi­cial Fes­ti­val boutique.


I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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